‘Ground Rules
If the world is a playground, how do we make the best of our time through the climbs, slides and swings of it? This is Breezy’s approach to ‘ground rules.
Pinky Swear
Don’t just promise something. Really, really mean it. Whether it’s hitting a deadline, being prepared for a meeting, or reaching a goal. Do it. Be accountable.
Whip It
When faced with challenges, be tenacious. If you’ve exhausted your options, ask for help. If you make a mistake, learn (and teach!) from it and move on. When you have a problem, whip it!
Stay Limber
Be prepared to go a little further, give a little extra to help someone out. Everyone is going through something, so assume a position of kindness and patience. Be flexible.
Take Good Care
There are so many priorities in life! Sometimes we forget to stay focused on what matters. Take care of yourself, your family, and your work.
Party On
Celebrate the wins. Commiserate the losses. Find joy in your quirks and commonalities, and the success of those around you. Whether it’s a little happy dance or big get together, party on.